Sites pathfinders

Funded pathfinder projects intend to test digital and data aspects of planning reforms. These reforms are set out in the planning white paper. The projects will inform policy and demonstrate how the reforms can benefit the local government sector.

Why we are looking at sites

Access to sites data is seen as a key part of reforming the planning system. During the pathfinder we will aim to understand what data is needed across local planning authorities, developers and the wider PropTech sector.

We will be working with selected local authorities to identify what data is currently available, to learn how we can define data standards to help with a consistent approach, and aim to make any existing data available to demonstrate what might be possible.

What are we focused on

Our first goal is to understand what information is needed. We are keen to explore:

  • the site assessment process
  • schedule of sites
  • housing trajectory
  • 5 year land supply

We will be working with each of the selected local authorities to understand their current processes and what information they that can be made available as data.