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Raising a Live Service Request

To notify the team of any issues, please post the detail in the planning-data-team slack channel and notify the Tech Lead, Product Manager and the Delivery Manager. It’s imperative, there is enough information to be enable us to raise a meaningful card - see below for the level of information that may be required.

Once the issue has been raised in the Slack channel, a ticket should be constructed by the Live Service Team in their Github Project board. The template for the Live Service Issue should be as follows:

### Summary Description
_A brief overview of the issue at a relatively non-technical level, including who it was discovered by and when._

### Environment
_e.g. OS, Browser, device, app version, network_

### Steps to reproduce bug

### Expected behaviour (Include screenshots if applicable)

### Actual Behaviour(include screenshots if applicable)

### Frequency (how often/how many users/when)
_How often?
How many users?
When does it occur?_

### Impact/ Priority
- [ ] P0 critical - major security/system outage
- [ ] P1 high - affects core functions
- [ ] P2 Med - minor
- [ ] P3 Low - Cosmetic

### Estimated time and complexity, including resource dependencies on other teams