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Set up our main application and load data into it

This is a good exercise for new developers joining the project. You are likely to be asked to develop the Planning Data Platform (main) application, so this tutorial will help you get familiar and will also give you insight into how data is loaded into the platform’s database.

  1. Clone the projects:
git clone 

git clone 
  1. Go into the cloned directory -> cd digital-land-postgres

  2. Download postgres on wsl:

    sudo apt-get install postgresql

To get postgis extension: sudo apt install postgis postgresql-14-postgis-3

  1. Try setting the password for postgres user: sudo passwd postgres

  2. Using psql:

    • To start the service, type: sudo service postgresql start

    • To connect to postgres, type: sudo -u postgres psql

  3. Create virtual environment as mentioned above

  4. To load data:

    Copy the file task/.env.example to task/.env

    Note: To open visual studio code through terminal : code .

  5. install requirements
    -cd tasks

    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run: ./

    Note: If this doesn’t work, run source .env and then ./ again. If still S3_KEY is empty, add export in front of variables in .env file and repeat steps.

  7. Exit out and go to cd digital-land/

  8. Create a virtualenv as defined above, then copy .env.example to .env

  9. To install dependencies, run: make init

For make init to run, you might need npm, node, etc installed.
Follow the errors and install as instructed.

  1. Follow step 5 to run psql and then run: create database digital_land

  2. Run DB migration script: python -m alembic upgrade head

  3. In digital-land-postgres, Update the S3_KEY in the .env file to S3_KEY=entity-builder/dataset/entity.sqlite3

  4. Then, Run ./ again (loaded data in entity table at this step)

  5. In digital_land-info, Run: make server

The application should be up and running.