Local plan

Oxford Local Plan 2036

Plan details

Local plan
Stepped Trajectory: the housing requirement per annum reflects a stepped trajectory, as follows:2016/17 to 2020/21: 475 dpa2021/22 to 2035/36: 567 dpa. Unmet Need:The Local Plans for the other Oxfordshire districts are delivering 14,300 dwellings to meet Oxford’s unmet need, as follows:Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review: Oxford’s unmetneeds - 4,400 dwellings (Plan submitted March 2018; Examination Autumn 2018);South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2033 - 4,950 dwellings (Plan yet to be submitted submitted March 2019);Vale of White Horse Local Plan Part 22,200 dwellings (Examination July 2018);West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2,750 dwellings (Adopted September 2018).Total provision towards Oxford’s unmet needs by2031 = 14,300 dwellings.
adopted 2020-06-08

Area covered

The geographic areas covered by the local plan.

ONS statistical geography code: E07000178

Associated documents

There are 1 document associated with this local plan.

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    Oxford Local Plan 2036

    Owner: Oxford City Council

    Stepped Trajectory: the housing requirement per annum reflects a stepped trajectory, as follows:2016/17 to 2020/21: 475 dpa2021/22 to 2035/36: 567 dpa. Unmet Need:The Local Plans for the other Oxfordshire districts are delivering 14,300 dwellings to meet Oxford’s unmet need, as follows:Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review: Oxford’s unmetneeds - 4,400 dwellings (Plan submitted March 2018; Examination Autumn 2018);South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2033 - 4,950 dwellings (Plan yet to be submitted submitted March 2019);Vale of White Horse Local Plan Part 22,200 dwellings (Examination July 2018);West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2,750 dwellings (Adopted September 2018).Total provision towards Oxford’s unmet needs by2031 = 14,300 dwellings.

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