
User needs.

  • Access to data in bulk

    When building a service, I want to be able to access data in bulk, so that I do not have to make multiple requests for data.

  • Access to raw data

    When building a service, I want to have access to raw data (as opposed to calculated statistical data), so that I am able to get the fullest value from the data.

  • Easy access to data

    When building a service, I want access to data without having to ask for it.

  • Maintained data

    When using a dataset, I want to have confidence that the dataset is being maintained, so that I can trust that the data is relevent and usable.

  • Provide feedback

    When data is incorrect or missing, I want to be able to inform the data maintainer, so that they can fix the dataset.

  • Unrestrictive usage

    When building a service, I want to use data openly and without any prohibitive restrictions, so that I am able to get full value from the data.

  • Up-to-date data

    When I am building a service, I want to have confidence that I have access to the most recent data, so that the thing I am building is useful and relevant.

  • What data is needed

    When defining a data standard, I want to know what data is needed, so that the right data is made available.