- AG7c
- BE16
- BE17
- DW32
- NO1
- NW3
- ST3
- ST8
- VC1 & VC2 (VC1---VC2)
- VC1 & VC2 (VC1---VC2)
- VC60
- VC17
- VC3
- VC4
- VC50
- VC54
- VC57 & VC59 (VC57---VC59)
- WC37
- WC45 & WC46 (WC45---WC46)
- WC55
- WC77
- WY3
- WY24
- WS77
- TN4
- WS14
- SS8
- AG7c
- BE16
- BE17
- DW32
- NO1
- NW3
- ST3
- ST8
- VC1 & VC2 (VC1---VC2)
- VC1 & VC2 (VC1---VC2)
- VC60
- VC17
- VC3
- VC4
- VC50
- VC54
- VC57 & VC59 (VC57---VC59)
- WC37
- WC45 & WC46 (WC45---WC46)
- WC55
- WC77
- WY3
- WY24
- WS77
- TN4
- WS14
- SS8
- VC20
- AG7c
- BE16
- BE17
- DW32
- NO1
- NW3
- ST3
- ST8
- VC1 & VC2 (VC1---VC2)
- VC1 & VC2 (VC1---VC2)
- VC60
- VC17
- VC3
- VC4
- VC50
- VC54
- VC57 & VC59 (VC57---VC59)
- WC37
- WC45 & WC46 (WC45---WC46)
- WC55
- WC77
- WY3
- WY24
- WS77
- TN4
- WS14
- SS8
Ashford Borough Council
Data about this organisation
- Organisation
- local-authority-eng:ASF
- Entity
- 30
- Local authority type
- NMD (Non-metropolitan district)
- Website
- https://www.ashford.gov.uk
- Wikidata
- Q55098926
- Billing authority
- E2231
- AddressBase Custodian
- 2205
- data.gov.uk
- datasets
- Open Data Communities organisation
Geographical area
- Statistical geography
- E07000105
- Census area
- 29UB
- Open Data Communities area
- Region
- South East
Download the boundary GeoJSON.
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