- 2933
- 2528
- HS1.21 (HS1-21)
- HS1.21 (HS1-21)
- 2529
- 2525
- 2613
- 3184
- 2956
- 3124
- SS117
- 3219
- 3105
- 3044
- 2952
- 2559
- 2955
- Camelot
- 2879
- 2932
- 1799
- 1799
- HS1.34 (HS1-34)
- HS1.52 (HS1-52)
- 2502
- 3138
- 3005
- HS1.18 (HS1-18)
- Withnell Hall (Withnell-Hall)
- 41 Cunliffe Street (41-Cunliffe-Street)
- 2850
- 3089
- 3227
- 2928
- 3217
- 2933
- 2528.7 (2528-7)
- 2528.6 (2528-6)
- 2528
- 2528.5 (2528-5)
- 2525
- 2613
- 3184
- 3406
- 3124
- 3219
- 3105
- 3044
- 2952
- 2559
- 2955
- Camelot
- 2932
- 1799.06 (1799-06)
- HS1.34 (HS1-34)
- HS1.52 (HS1-52)
- 2502
- 3349
- 3074
- 3321
- 2850
- 3227
- 2928
- 3217
- 3213
- 3341
- 3347
- 3348
- 3354
- 3362
- 3320
- 3300
- 3304
- 3440
- 3162
- 3169
- 3222
- Former Shell Garage (Former-Shell-Garage)
- 2528
- 2525
- 3124
- 3105
- 2952
- 2955
- Camelot
- HS1.34 (HS1-34)
- 2502
- 3321
- 3227
- 3217
- 2559
- 3213
- 3162
- Former Shell Garage (Former-Shell-Garage)
- 3461
- 3468
- 3456
- 3460
- 3462
- 3475
- 3184
- 2525
- 3341
- 3348
- 3354
- 3169
- 3419
- 2933
- 2528.7 (2528-7)
- 2528.6 (2528-6)
- 2528.5 (2528-5)
- 2613
- 3406
- 3219
- 2932
- 1799.06 (1799-06)
- HS1.52 (HS1-52)
- 3349
- 3074
- 2850
- 2928
- 3347
- 3362
- 3320
- 3300
- 3304
- 3222
- 2879
- 1799
- 3138
- 3005
- 3089
- 3440
- 2933
- 2528
- HS1.21 (HS1-21)
- HS1.21 (HS1-21)
- 2529
- 2525
- 2613
- 3184
- 2956
- 3124
- SS117
- 3219
- 3105
- 3044
- 2952
- 2559
- 2955
- Camelot
- 2879
- 2932
- 1799
- 1799
- HS1.34 (HS1-34)
- HS1.52 (HS1-52)
- 2502
- 3138
- 3005
- HS1.18 (HS1-18)
- Withnell Hall (Withnell-Hall)
- 41 Cunliffe Street (41-Cunliffe-Street)
- 2850
- 3089
- 3227
- 2928
- 3217
Chorley Borough Council
Data about this organisation
- Organisation
- local-authority-eng:CHO
- Entity
- 83
- Local authority type
- NMD (Non-metropolitan district)
- Website
- https://www.chorley.gov.uk
- Wikidata
- Q73072578
- Billing authority
- E2334
- AddressBase Custodian
- 2320
- data.gov.uk
- datasets
- Open Data Communities organisation
- Local resilience forum
- Lancashire
Geographical area
- Statistical geography
- E07000118
- Census area
- 30UE
- Open Data Communities area
- Region
- North West
Download the boundary GeoJSON.
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