- 174450
- 174221
- 183891
- 172143
- 172544
- 181274
- 192397
- 191373
- 164109
- 150516
- 162480
- 180843
- 182588
- 181177
- 190966
- 173577
- 171741
- 161689
- 150173
- 153631
- 151698
- 162166
- Cen08
- Cen21
- Cen22
- Cen27
- Cen28
- Cen30
- Cre25
- Thr37
- Tup22
- Bel08
- HLAA/064/001 (HLAA-064-001)
- HLAA/131/001 (HLAA-131-001)
- HLAA/327/001 (HLAA-327-001)
- HLAA/252/004 (HLAA-252-004)
- HLAA/494/001 (HLAA-494-001)
- HLAA/240/001 (HLAA-240-001)
- HLAA/223/001 (HLAA-223-001)
- 101020
- 162384
- 161067
- 151090
- 162438
- 162506
- 162618
- 164128
- 152897
- 153594
- 160361
- 161877
- 162480
- 162820
- 153810
- 160600
- 174386
- 160340
- 162311
- 142860
- 160200
- 170353
- 163936
- 30719
- 161944
- 163491
- 143678
- 163056
- 164098
- 143624
- 161674
- 152955
- 152359
- 170132
- 153500
- 164079
- 162033
- 163290
- 162468
- 113545
- 141330
- 161093
- 162420
- 163478
- 160663
- 163836
- 143537
- 151075
- 162063
- 163055
- 150996
- 100122
- 141006
- 141022
- 160226
- 161456
- 161937
- 153016
- 163753
- 161338
- 163814
- 132123
- 161501
- 152247
- 143339
- 153552
- 160819
- 150405
- 143737
- 151492
- 163531
- 162150
- 160258
- 160489
- 161033
- 151944
- 152982
- 143204
- 152872
- 150419
- 142121
- 160868
- 152414
- 153149
- 160774
- 153570
- 161689
- 170294
- 160358
- 143436
- 160282
- 140905
- 161056
- 123177
- 142197
- 143495
- 143799
- 150244
- 150630
- 151031
- 151077
- 151352
- 152246
- 152422
- 153057
- 153254
- 153506
- 160076
- 160322
- 160687
- 161205
- 161356
- 161414
- 163176
- 163301
- 163501
- 163555
- 163719
- 163751
- 164042
- 164105
- 164135
- 164111
- 170350
- 130784
- 131206
- 150055
- 150234
- 152308
- 153001
- 153155
- 153797
- 161429
- 161967
- 162035
- 160948
- 150173
- 152524
- 161262
- 162480
- 100122
- 131206
- 142121
- 123177
- 152246
- 150173
- 150630
- 164042
- 153001
- 151641
- 162904
- 152920
- 162508
- 160344
- 143556
- 162737
- 151315
- 152966
- 160690
- 143823
- 161689
- 151698
- 162584
- 161931
- 150811
- 153631
- 153511
- 152524
- 151090
- 153594
- 161877
- 162480
- 160600
- 174386
- 160340
- 162311
- 142860
- 161944
- 163491
- 163056
- 164098
- 161674
- 152359
- 162033
- 163478
- 143537
- 151075
- 150996
- 100122
- 141006
- 160226
- 161937
- 163814
- 143339
- 153552
- 160819
- 150405
- 143737
- 151492
- 163531
- 160489
- 151944
- 143204
- 142121
- 150173
- 152524
- 153149
- 160774
- 161689
- 160282
- 140905
- 143495
- 150244
- 150630
- 151031
- 151077
- 151352
- 161205
- 161356
- 163501
- 163751
- 164042
- 164111
- 170350
- 131206
- 150055
- 152308
- 153001
Herefordshire Council
Data about this organisation
This organisation was established on the .
- Organisation
- local-authority-eng:HEF
- Entity
- 164
- Local authority type
- UA (Unitary authority)
- Website
- https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk
- Wikidata
- Q5738061
- Billing authority
- E1801
- AddressBase Custodian
- 1850
- data.gov.uk
- datasets
- Open Data Communities organisation
- Local resilience forum
- West Mercia
Geographical area
- Statistical geography
- E06000019
- Census area
- 00GA
- Open Data Communities area
- Region
- West Midlands
Download the boundary GeoJSON.
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