- SH_34_10_16 (SH-34-10-16)
- SH_30_05_16 (SH-30-05-16)
- SH_14_27_16 (SH-14-27-16)
- SH_49_07_13 (SH-49-07-13)
- SH_34_09_14 (SH-34-09-14)
- 1483/17/POD (1483-17-POD)
- 37/2548/14/O (37-2548-14-O)
- 58/2441/15/F (58-2441-15-F)
- 14/0142/15/F (14-0142-15-F)
- 58/1014/15/F (58-1014-15-F)
- SH_14_26_16 (SH-14-26-16)
- SH_57_21_16 (SH-57-21-16)
- SH_34_10_16 (SH-34-10-16)
- SH_30_05_16 (SH-30-05-16)
- SH_14_27_16 (SH-14-27-16)
- SH_49_07_13 (SH-49-07-13)
- SH_34_09_14 (SH-34-09-14)
- 1483/17/POD (1483-17-POD)
- 37/2548/14/O (37-2548-14-O)
- 0805/16/FUL (0805-16-FUL)
- 58/2441/15/F (58-2441-15-F)
- 14/0142/15/F (14-0142-15-F)
- 58/1014/15/F (58-1014-15-F)
- SH_14_26_16 (SH-14-26-16)
- SH_57_21_16 (SH-57-21-16)
- SH_30_01_08/13 (SH-30-01-08-13)
- SH_34_10_16 (SH-34-10-16)
- SH_30_05_16 (SH-30-05-16)
- SH_14_27_16 (SH-14-27-16)
- SH_49_07_13 (SH-49-07-13)
- SH_34_09_14 (SH-34-09-14)
- 1483/17/POD (1483-17-POD)
- 37/2548/14/O (37-2548-14-O)
- 0805/16/FUL (0805-16-FUL)
- 58/2441/15/F (58-2441-15-F)
- 14/0142/15/F (14-0142-15-F)
- 58/1014/15/F (58-1014-15-F)
- SH_14_26_16 (SH-14-26-16)
- SH_57_21_16 (SH-57-21-16)
South Hams District Council
Data about this organisation
- Organisation
- local-authority-eng:SHA
- Entity
- 292
- Local authority type
- NMD (Non-metropolitan district)
- Website
- https://www.southhams.gov.uk/
- Wikidata
- Q23461861
- Billing authority
- E1136
- AddressBase Custodian
- 1125
- data.gov.uk
- datasets
- Open Data Communities organisation
- Local resilience forum
- Devon, Cornwall & Isle of Scilly
Geographical area
- Statistical geography
- E07000044
- Census area
- 18UG
- Open Data Communities area
- Region
- South West
Download the boundary GeoJSON.
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