Data maturity model
A tool for measuring the quality of land and housing data.
Why we are building this
There are a number of reasons why we believe a data maturity model is something worth building:
- it will increase trust in the data we're making available
- it will help data provides identify where they can make improvements to the quality of their data
- we will be able to measure how the quality of land and housing data is improving over time
- we are able to define a model for measuring data quality at a local and national level
- data providers will use the data maturity model to find ways to improve the quality of their data
- users of land and housing data will have an improved level of trust in the data we're making available
What we've done so far
We've begun exploring potential measures of data quality these include:
- percentage coverage of a national dataset
- the number of patches our data pipeline has to apply in order to build a national dataset
- the license under which data was originally published
- how much of the data we're able to collected from the authoritative source
- the frequency of updates to a dataset
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