
Digital land design system

A service for users of the digital land frontend assets.

Users: Digital land team, 3rd party partners

Why is this service needed

Different members of the digital land team make different parts of the digital land platform and site.

The members of the digital land team change.

We want anyone building things for digital land to build things that are consistent with what else exists and for them to benefit from the work that has been done before.

To be able to make full use of the digital land frontend assets this service needs to help users understand what is available, in what situations should different components be used and how to use the parts in their projects.


  • being able to reuse digital land components will make it easier for users to use the digital site
  • being able to reuse digital land components will make it easier for digital land team members to create interfaces that are consistent with the rest of the digital land platform
  • a user needs to understand in what situations a component can be used
  • a user needs to understand how to use a component in their project

What we've done so far

Design system is published as part of the digital land site.

A screenshot of the landing page for the design system

We have a number of components that we have made into jinja macros. The design system contains examples of these and documentation on how they can be used. The documentation includes if the components are progressively enhanced. Where they are, it documents how to enable the js enhancements.

The components in the design system need more testing.

The documentation needs further work.