- Pipeline column — map resource column name to dataset field
- Pipeline combine facts — combine a series of facts from multiple entries
- Pipeline concatenation — concatenate fields during the harmonise phase
- Pipeline convert — convert a resource
- Pipeline default value — provide a default value for a missing or empty field
- Pipeline default field — take a missing field default value from another field
- Endpoint
- Entity organisation — the organisation responsible for managing a range of entities.
- Expectation Rule — a set of rules which can be turned into an expectation of a dataset
- Pipeline filter — filter entries
- Pipeline lookup — lookup entities
- Entity redirection — redirect an entity or mark it as gone
- Resource redirection — redirect a resource to a fixed version, or mark it as gone
- Pipeline patch — assert a field value during harmonise
- Pipeline skip — remove lines from a resource during normalise
- Source
- Pipeline transformation
- Address
- Agricultural land classification — a system that grades the quality of land for agricultural use
- Air quality management area — areas where air pollution levels have exceeded the national air quality objectives
- Ancient woodland status — status of an ancient woodland
- Ancient woodland — an area that’s been wooded continuously since at least 1600 AD
- Archaeological priority area — areas of Greater London where there is significant known archaeological interest or potential for new discoveries
- Area of outstanding natural beauty — land protected by law to conserve and enhance its natural beauty
- Article 4 direction area — orders made by the local planning authority to remove all or some of the permitted development rights on a site in order to protect it
- Article 4 direction rule — the set of changes to permitted development rights affecting an article 4 direction area
- Article 4 direction
- Asset of community value — buildings or pieces of land that are used for the social wellbeing and interests of the local community
- Battlefield
- Best and most versatile agricultural land
- Biodiversity net gain assesment
- Border
- Brownfield land — land that has been previously been developed
- Brownfield site
- Buffer zone
- Building preservation notice
- Built up area — built-up areas equal to or greater than 20 hectares
- Category
- Central activities zone
- Certificate of immunity
- Coastal change management area
- Common land and village green
- Community infrastructure levy schedule
- Company
- Conservation area document type
- Conservation area document
- Conservation area — special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance
- Contaminated land
- Contribution funding status
- Contribution purpose
- Control of major accident hazards site
- Design code area type
- Design code area
- Design code characteristic
- Design code rule category
- Design code rule — the set of design code rules affecting a design code area
- Design code status
- Design code
- Developer agreement contribution
- Developer agreement transaction
- Developer agreement type
- Developer agreement — a legal document used to secure contributions from a development for infrastructure or affordable housing.
- Development corporation
- Development metric — the types of measurement used as a development policy metric
- Development plan boundary type — a type of boundary covered by the development plan
- Development plan boundary — a boundary that a development plan covers
- Development plan document type — the types of documents published for a development plan
- Development plan document
- Development plan event — the different event types in a development plan timetable
- Development plan geography type — a type of geography that a development plan covers
- Development plan geography — a geography that a development plan covers
- Development plan status — the different statuses a plan can have
- Development plan timetable — the expected timetable for the stages a plan will go through
- Development plan type
- Development plan
- Development policy area
- Development policy category
- Development policy metric — metrics associated with a development policy
- Development policy
- Document type
- Document
- Educational establishment
- Employment allocation
- Flood risk level
- Flood risk type
- Flood risk zone — area identified as being at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea
- Flood storage area — areas that act as a balancing reservoir, storage basin or balancing pond for flood control
- Forest inventory — all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it
- Geography
- Government organisation
- Green belt core
- Green belt
- Guardianship site and English heritage site
- Gypsy and traveller site
- Heritage action zone
- Heritage at risk
- Heritage coast
- Historic (non-designed) rural landscape/local landscape area
- Historic stone quarry
- Housing allocation
- HS2 safeguarded area
- Infrastructure funding statement
- Infrastructure project decision — the types of decision for infrastructure projects
- Infrastructure project document type — the types of document produced and published for infrastructure projects
- Infrastructure project document — the documents published and produced for a infrastructure project
- Infrastructure project event — the events that happen during the infrastructure projects stages
- Infrastructure project log — a log of events that happen during the infrastructure projects
- Infrastructure project type — the types of infrastructure projects
- Infrastructure project — an application for a infrastructure development
- Internal drainage board
- Internal drainage district
- Listed building grade
- Listed building outline — boundary of a listed building
- Listed building
- Local area requirements
- Local authority district
- Local authority type
- Local authority
- Local Enterprise Partnership — local Enterprise Partnership
- Local green space
- Local nature recovery strategy
- Local nature reserve
- Local plan boundary — a boundary that a local plan covers
- Local plan document type — the types of documents published for a local plan
- Local plan document
- Local plan event — the different event types in a local plan timetable
- Local plan timetable — the log of estimated and actual events of the local plan making process for a local plan
- Local plan
- Local planning authority — the boundary of a Local Planning Authority
- Local resilience forum boundary
- Local resilience forum
- Locally listed building — locally listed heritage assets, including buildings
- London square
- Long established woodland
- Long protected woodland
- Main river
- Metropolitan open land
- Mineral safeguarding area
- National nature reserve
- National park authority
- National park
- Nature improvement area
- Designated neighbourhood forum
- Non-designated and locally listed historic asset
- Non-designated archeology asset of national importance
- Nonprofit organisation
- Nuclear safety zone
- Open space
- Organisation
- Ownership status
- Civil parish
- Park and garden grade
- Historic parks and gardens
- Passenger transport executive
- Permitted development right part
- Permitted development right
- Planning application category — a planning application category is a high level categorisation of the type of planning application, such as "householder" or "full planning application"
- Planning application condition — a record of which conditions apply to which planning applications
- Planning application document
- Planning application log — the stages a planning application has gone through
- Planning application status — a planning application status
- Planning application type — a type of planning application
- Planning application — an application for planning permission
- Planning condition purpose — the primary purpose of the condition, for example to restrict something
- Planning condition target — the target of the condition, for example a property or site
- Planning condition type — the type of the planning condition, for example the removal of permitted development rights
- Planning condition — a condition that is attached to planning permission
- Planning decision type — a type of planning decision
- Planning decision — a planning decision
- Planning development category — planning development category
- Planning permission status
- Planning permission type
- Policy
- Proposed ramsar site
- Protected land
- Protected view
- Protected wreck site
- Public authority
- Public safety zone around airport
- Ramsar site
- Region
- Regional park authority
- Safeguarded aerodrome
- Safeguarded military explosives site
- Safeguarded wharf
- Safety hazard area
- Scheduled monument
- Self and custom build area
- Site category
- Site of special scientific interest
- Special area of conservation
- Special protection area
- Street
- Suitable alternative green space
- Title boundary
- Public transport access node — all public transport access points where you can get on or off public transport
- Transport (under TCPA route)
- Tree preservation order
- Tree preservation zone type — types of zone covered by the tree preservation order
- Tree preservation zone — an area covered by a tree preservation order
- Tree — an individual tree
- UPRN — unique property reference numbers
- Ward — local areas that have been divided for voting purposes
- Waste disposal authority
- Wildbelt
- Wildlife
- World heritage site buffer zone
- World heritage site
- CURIE prefix
- Reference — redirect a prefix and reference to an entity
- Column field — log of resource columns mapped to dataset fields
- Expectation Log — the output of running expectations based on the rules defined in the expect dataset
- Issue — issues with fields processing resources
- Collection log
- Resource — an index of collected resources
- Checksum — checksums of dataset files and other media
- Entity — a data item
- Expectation issue — issues found checking expecatations
- Expectation result — results from checking expectations
- Fact resource — the provenance of a fact
- Fact — a field and its value for an entity
- Field
- Organisation dataset
- Provenance
- Provision rule — rules for the datasets an organisation is expected to priovide
- Provision — datasets an organisation we expect an organisation to provide
- Attribution
- Award — a funding award
- Project — a group of organisations
- Collection — a collection of resources collected from various sources
- Converted resource — result of resource conversion
- Data package dataset — datasets included in a datapackage
- Data package — collections of datasets
- Dataset field
- Dataset resource — an index of resources in a dataset
- Dataset schema
- Dataset — a collection of entities of the same type
- Datatype
- Fund — a funding round
- Include/Exclude — include or exclude items from a set
- Intervention
- Issue type — types of issues with fields processing resources
- Licence
- Phase — phase of development
- Project organisation
- Project status
- Project
- Provision reason — the reason a dataset is provided by an organisation
- Quality
- Phase — phase of development
- Role organisation rule — rules for the organisations with a role
- Role organisation
- Role
- Schema field
- Schema
- Severity — severity of a log message or issue
- Specification status — status of a specification
- Specification
- Theme
- Typology