Article 4 direction area
Orders made by the local planning authority to remove all or some of the permitted development rights on a site in order to protect it
Field | Name | Datatype | Cardinality |
address-texts | Address texts | string | n |
article-4-direction | Article-4 direction | string | 1 |
description | Description | string | 1 |
entity | Entity | integer | 1 |
geometry | Geometry | multipolygon | 1 |
name | Name | string | 1 |
notes | Notes | text | 1 |
organisation | Organisation | curie | 1 |
permitted-development-rights | Permitted development rights | string | n |
point | Point | point | 1 |
prefix | CURIE prefix | string | 1 |
reference | Reference | string | 1 |
uprns | UPRNs | string | n |
entry-date | Entry date | datetime | 1 |
start-date | Start date | datetime | 1 |
end-date | End date | datetime | 1 |
This dataset belongs to the geography typology.
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