
Asset of community value

Buildings or pieces of land that are used for the social wellbeing and interests of the local community

Field Name Datatype Cardinality
address-text Address text string 1
decision Decision string 1
decision-date Decision date datetime 1
description Description string 1
entity Entity integer 1
expiry-date Expiry date datetime 1
geometry Geometry multipolygon 1
interested-group Interested group string 1
name Name string 1
nominating-group Nominating group string 1
nomination-date Nomination date datetime 1
notes Notes text 1
notification-to-sell-date Notification to sell date datetime 1
organisation Organisation curie 1
point Point point 1
prefix CURIE prefix string 1
protected-period-start-date Protected period start date datetime 1
reference Reference string 1
entry-date Entry date datetime 1
start-date Start date datetime 1
end-date End date datetime 1


This dataset belongs to the geography typology.


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