A combination of a date and a time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.pppp]Z
as described in chapter 5.4 of ISO 8601. The value can be truncated to just the most significant digits, for example "2014-05". Time values, where present, must be in UTC.
The following fields use this datatype:
- Activation date
- Adopted date
- Applied date
- Confirmed date
- Datetime
- Decision date
- Designation date
- Discharged date
- End date
- EndDate
- Entry date
- Event date
- Expiry date
- Felled date
- FirstAddedDate
- LastUpdatedDate
- Made date
- Nomination date
- Notification to sell date
- Open date
- Period end date
- Period start date
- Planning permission date
- Planning permission date
- Protected period start date
- Start date