Name | Geography |
Field | geography |
Datatype | curie |
Cardinality | 1 |
Parent field | geography |
Typology | geography |
Dataset | geography |
The following datasets use this field:
- Area of outstanding natural beauty
- Best and most versatile agricultural land
- Brownfield site
- Buffer zone
- Building preservation notice
- Certificate of immunity
- Coastal change management area
- Common land and village green
- Contaminated land
- Control of major accident hazards site
- Employment allocation
- Geography
- Guardianship site and English heritage site
- Gypsy and traveller site
- Heritage action zone
- Heritage at risk
- Heritage coast
- Historic (non-designed) rural landscape/local landscape area
- Historic stone quarry
- Housing allocation
- HS2 safeguarded area
- Local authority district
- Local green space
- Local nature recovery strategy
- Local resilience forum boundary
- London square
- Long established woodland
- Long protected woodland
- Main river
- Metropolitan open land
- Mineral safeguarding area
- Designated neighbourhood forum
- Non-designated and locally listed historic asset
- Non-designated archeology asset of national importance
- Nuclear safety zone
- Proposed ramsar site
- Protected land
- Protected view
- Public safety zone around airport
- Safeguarded aerodrome
- Safeguarded military explosives site
- Safeguarded wharf
- Safety hazard area
- Scheduled monument
- Self and custom build area
- Site of special scientific interest
- Special area of conservation
- Suitable alternative green space
- Transport (under TCPA route)
- Wildbelt
- Wildlife
- World heritage site buffer zone