The following fields belong to this typology:
- Agricultural land classification grade
- Ancient woodland status
- Archaeological risk tier
- Article 4 direction rule
- Article-4 direction rules
- Bus stop type
- Cardinality
- Categories
- Category
- Checkpoint
- Conservation area document type
- Contribution funding status
- Contribution purpose
- Deliverable
- Deliverable
- Design code area type
- Design code categories
- Design code categorymak
- Design code characteristic
- Design code rule
- Design code rule categories
- Design code rule category
- Design code rules
- Design code status
- Developer agreement type
- Development classification
- Development metric
- Development plan boundary type
- Development plan document type
- Development plan event
- Development plan geography type
- Development plan status
- Development plan type
- Development plan types
- Development policy categories
- Development policy category
- Document type
- Document types
- Educational establishment status
- Educational establishment type
- Flood risk level
- Flood risk type
- Forest Inventory Category
- Green belt urban core
- Hazardous substances
- HazardousSubstances
- Heritage asset type
- Heritage risk assessment methodology
- Include/Exclude
- Infrastructure project decision
- Infrastructure project event
- Infrastructure project type
- Internal MIME Type
- Interpreted forest type
- Listed building grade
- Local authority type
- Local plan event
- MIME Type
- Nature reserve status
- Ownership status
- Parent article 4 direction rule
- Park and garden grade
- Passed
- Planning permission type
- Permitted development right part
- Phase
- Plan boundary type
- Planning application category
- Planning application status
- Planning application type
- Planning condition purpose
- Planning condition target
- Planning condition type
- Planning decision
- Planning decision type
- Planning permission status
- Planning permission type
- Planning permission status
- Provision reason
- Provision rule
- Quality
- Ramsar site
- Realm
- Role
- School type (England)
- Scope
- Site categories
- Site category
- Specification status
- Status
- Strategic
- Theme
- Themes
- Transport access node type
- Tree preservation zone type
- Tree species
- Tree species list
The following datatypes are used by fields belong to this typology: