The following fields belong to this typology:
- AddressBase custodian
- Applicant organisation
- Billing authority
- Clinical commissioning group
- Combined authority
- Company
- Decision maker
- Development corporation
- Further education college (UK)
- Government organisation
- Interested group
- Internal drainage board
- Jobcentre
- Local authority
- Local authority (England)
- Local authority (Northern Ireland)
- Local authority (Scotland)
- Local Enterprise Partnership
- Local resilience forum
- Organisation which is a member of this organisation
- Organisations which are a member of this organisation
- National park authority
- Neighbourhood forum
- Nominating group
- Nonprofit organisation
- Organisation
- Organisations
- Passenger transport executive
- Principal local authority (Wales)
- Public authority
- Regional park authority
- Registry
- Shielding hub
- Waste authority
The following datatypes are used by fields belong to this typology: