
This builds on the govukButton macro.

<button class="govuk-button govuk-button--start" data-module="govuk-button">
  Start now

{%- from "govuk_frontend_jinja/components/button/macro.html" import govukButton %}
{{ govukButton({
    "text": "Start now",
    "classes": "govuk-button--start"
}) }}

Secondary page action button

Use these buttons when there is a page wide action a user is able to perform, which is not a main call to action. Examples include:

  • a button to print the page (as seen on GOV.UK)
  • a button to download the data behind a page
<button class="app-action-button" data-module="print-link">Download geojson</button>
<button class="app-action-button" data-module="print-link">Download geojson</button>