Getting started with digital land frontend

Use this getting started guide to find out how to:

  • install Digital Land Frontend
  • set up a test page to check your installation is working

You can see live examples of Digital Land Frontend components, GOVUK components we've ported to jinja, and guidance on when to use them, in this design system.

Contact us if you have any questions or feedback.


Install digital land frontend with pip.

pip install -e git+
pip install -e git+

Register templates with Jinja

Installing govuk-jinja-components and digital land's frontend makes a number of templates available. You will need to register this with Jinja to be able to use them.

Where you initialise jinja include the following:

import jinja2

# where you set up jinja add this
multi_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader([
    jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="<<path to your templates>>"),
        'govuk-jinja-components': jinja2.PackageLoader('govuk_jinja_components'),
        'digital-land-frontend': jinja2.PackageLoader('digital_land_frontend')

Create a page

Create a page in your application.

To extend the digital land base template start with the line

{% extends "digital-land-frontend/dlf-base.html" %}

To use govuk-jinja-components import the ones you need. E.g. import the govukButton component with

{% from 'govuk-jinja-components/components/button/macro.jinja' import govukButton  %}

You can paste the HTML or jinja from the govukButton documentation page into you page, paste it between the content block

{% block content %}
<!-- paste here -->
{% endblock %}

Take the same approach to use the digital-land-frontend components. E.g.

{% from 'digital-land-frontend/components/feedback-panel/macro.html' import dlFeedbackPanel %}
{% block content %}
<!-- paste dlFeedbackPanel here -->
{% endblock %}

Paste dlFeedbackPanel example from the documentation page.

Using the CSS and JS assets

The CSS is already included if extending the dlf-base.html template.

The JS is also included if extending the dlf-base.html template. To initialise one of the JS modules use:

{% block bodyEnd %}
{{ super() }}
    const $inputCopyElements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-module*="input-copy"]')
    $inputCopyElements.forEach(function ($input) {
        new window.DLFrontend.InputCopy($input).init()
{% endblock %}