
List filter

Allow a user to search or filter a list. This is an progressive enhancement.

When to use

When you have a list of values that is cumbersome to scan. Roughly 20+ items.

When a user needs to find an item quickly and knows an attribute of the item to help find it. For example, this could be a name or reference number.

How to use

It is a modules in dl-frontend.js. This script is loaded on all digital land pages.

To use it:

  • markup the list correctly
  • instantiate the JS module

Markup the list

Add data-filter="list" to the element that contains the list.

Add data-filter="item" to every item in the list. Elements with the data-filter="item" attribute will be elements shown and hidden depending on the search term.

Add data-filter="match-content" on any element contained in a data-filter="item" element where you want the content to be searchable. This is optional. If you do not include a data-filter="match-content" the module will look for any <a> element within the data-filter="item" element.

Use data-filter="match-content" if you want more than one term to be searchable. For example, make the an id and the name of an item searchable:

<tr data-filter="item">
    <td><a class="govuk-link" href="./dev-plan-buc-bmwlp" data-filter="match-content">dev-plan-buc-bmwlp</a></td>
    <td><p class="govuk-body" data-filter="match-content">Buckinghamshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2016-2036</p>

Insert the form with

<form class="filter-organisations-list__form" data-filter="form">
    <label class="filter-list__label govuk-label govuk-!-font-weight-bold" for="filter-organisations-list">I'm looking for</label>
    <input class="filter-list__input govuk-input" type="text" id="filter-organisations-list" placeholder="For example, Harrogate Borough Council">

In a jinja template you can set the placeholder text but setting filterInputPlaceholder. E.g:

The filter module will update a count if you provide pointers to it. The count element consists of a count element with the class .js-list-count and a matching count element for accessibility, with the class .js-accessible-list-count".

The count element might look like:

<div class="count-wrapper">
    <p class="govuk-body" aria-hidden="true">Showing <span class="js-list-count"></span> records.</p>
    <p class="govuk-visually-hidden">There are
        <span class="js-accessible-list-count"></span>
    records listed.</p>

Instantiate JS

Grab the form element first. Then run FilterList.init(). The init function accepts some options. E.g:

    const $form = document.querySelector('[data-filter="form"]');
    new window.DLFrontend.FilterList($form).init({
        list_section_selector: '.index-list-wrapper',
        count_wrapper_selector: '.count-wrapper'

list_section_selector - the element that contains the list count_wrapper_selector - the element that contains the count(s)