

A field provides the meaning of the data in a column in a CSV file, or GeoJSON file property. The following fields are used in planning data specifications:

Field Name Datatype Cardinality Parent Field Typology
Deliverable Deprecated Deliverable flag 1 category category
DevelopmentDescription Deprecated Development description text 1 text value
EndDate Deprecated EndDate datetime 1 datetime value
FirstAddedDate Deprecated FirstAddedDate datetime 1 datetime value
GeoX Deprecated GeoX longitude 1 value value
GeoY Deprecated GeoY latitude 1 value value
HazardousSubstances Deprecated HazardousSubstances flag 1 category category
Hectares Deprecated Hectares decimal 1 value value
LastUpdatedDate Deprecated LastUpdatedDate datetime 1 datetime value
MinNetDwellings Deprecated Minimum net dwellings integer 1 number value
NetDwellingsRangeFrom Deprecated Minimum net dwellings integer 1 number value
NetDwellingsRangeTo Deprecated Maximum net dwellings integer 1 number value
Notes Deprecated Notes text 1 text value
OrganisationLabel Deprecated OrganisationLabel string 1 value value
OrganisationURI Deprecated OrganisationURI url 1 url value
OwnershipStatus Deprecated OwnershipStatus string 1 value value
PermissionDate Deprecated Planning permission date datetime 1 datetime value
PermissionType Deprecated Planning permission type string 1 category category
PlanningHistory Deprecated Planning permission history url n document-url value
PlanningStatus Deprecated Planning permission status string 1 category category
SiteInformation Deprecated Site information text 1 text value
SiteNameAddress Deprecated SiteNameAddress string 1 value value
SiteReference Deprecated SiteReference string 1 geography geography
SiteplanURL Deprecated SiteplanURL url 1 url value
activation-date Activation date datetime 1 datetime value
address Address string 1 geography geography
address-text Address text string 1 text value
address-texts Address texts string n address-text value
addressbase-custodian AddressBase custodian string 1 organisation organisation
adopted-date Adopted date datetime 1 datetime value
agricultural-land-classification-grade Agricultural land classification grade string 1 category category
amount Amount decimal 1 number value
ancient-woodland Ancient Woodland string 1 geography geography
ancient-woodland-status Ancient woodland status string 1 category category
applicant-organisation Applicant organisation string 1 organisation organisation
applied-date Deprecated Applied date datetime 1 datetime value
archaelogy-area-type Archaelogy area type string 1 geography geography
area-of-outstanding-natural-beauty Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty string 1 geography geography
article-4-direction Article-4 direction string 1 legal-instrument legal-instrument
article-4-direction-area Article-4 direction area string 1 geography geography
article-4-direction-rule Article 4 direction rule string 1 category category
article-4-direction-rules Article-4 direction rules string n category category
asset-of-community-value Asset of community value string 1 geography geography
attribution Attribution text 1 text value
award Award string 1 specification specification
battlefield Battlefield string 1 geography geography
best-and-most-versatile-agricultural-land Best and most versatile agricultural land string 1 geography geography
billing-authority Billing authority string 1 organisation organisation
biodiversity-net-gain-assessment Biodiversity net gain assessment string 1 document document
blob BLOB blob 1 value value
brownfield-land Brownfield Land string 1 geography geography
brownfield-site Brownfield Site string 1 geography geography
buffer-zone Buffer zone string 1 geography geography
building-preservation-notice Building preservation notice string 1 geography geography
bus-stop-type Bus stop type string 1 category category
bytes Bytes integer 1 number value
cardinality Cardinality string 1 category category
categories Categories curie n category category
category Category curie 1 category category
census-area Census area string 1 geography geography
central-activities-zone Central activities zone string 1 geography geography
certificate-of-immunity Certificate of immunity string 1 geography geography
checkpoint Checkpoint string 1 category category
checksum Checksum string 1 string value
citizen-name Citizen name string 1 name value
citizen-names Citizen names string 1 citizen-name value
clinical-commissioning-group Clinical commissioning group string 1 organisation organisation
coastal-change-management-area Coastal change management area string 1 geography geography
cohort Cohort string 1 specification specification
collection Collection string 1 identifier value
column Column string 1 specification specification
combined-authority Combined authority string 1 organisation organisation
common-land-and-village-green Common land and village green string 1 geography geography
company Company string 1 organisation organisation
confirmed-date Confirmed date datetime 1 datetime value
conservation-area Conservation area string 1 geography geography
conservation-area-document Conservation area document string 1 document document
conservation-area-document-type Conservation area document type string 1 category category
consideration Consideration string 1 text value
contact Contact string 1 name value
contaminated-land Contaminated land string 1 geography geography
content-type Content-Type string 1 string value
contribution-funding-status Contribution funding status string 1 category category
contribution-purpose Contribution purpose string 1 category category
control-of-major-accident-hazards-site Control of major accident hazards site string 1 geography geography
Copyright text 1 attribution value
country Country string 1 geography geography
data-name Data name string 1 name value
data-package Data package string 1 specification specification
datapackage Data package string 1 specification specification
dataset Dataset string 1 specification specification
datasets Datasets string n dataset specification
datatype Datatype string 1 specification specification
datetime Datetime datetime 1 value value
decision-date Decision date datetime 1 datetime value
decision-maker Decision maker string 1 organisation organisation
default-field Default field string 1 field specification
deliverable Deliverable flag 1 category category
description Description string 1 text value
design-code Design code string 1 policy policy
design-code-area Design code area string 1 geography geography
design-code-area-type Design code area type string 1 category category
design-code-categories Deprecated Design code categories string n design-code-category category
design-code-category Design code categorymak string 1 category category
design-code-characteristic Design code characteristic string 1 category category
design-code-rule Design code rule string 1 category category
design-code-rule-categories Design code rule categories string n design-code-rule-category category
design-code-rule-category Design code rule category string 1 category category
design-code-rules Design code rules string n design-code-rule category
design-code-status Design code status string 1 category category
designation-date Designation date datetime 1 datetime value
details Details string 1 string value
developer-agreement Developer agreement string 1 document document
developer-agreement-contribution Developer agreement contribution string 1 identifier value
developer-agreement-transaction Developer agreement transaction string 1 identifier value
developer-agreement-type Developer agreement type string 1 category category
development-classification Development classification string 1 category category
development-corporation Development corporation string 1 organisation organisation
development-metric Development metric string 1 category category
development-plan Development plan string 1 legal-instrument legal-instrument
development-plan-boundary Development plan boundary curie 1 geography geography
development-plan-boundary-type Development plan boundary type string 1 category category
development-plan-document Development plan document string 1 document document
development-plan-document-type Development plan document type string 1 category category
development-plan-event Development plan event string 1 category category
development-plan-geography Development plan geography curie 1 geography geography
development-plan-geography-type Development plan geography type string 1 category category
development-plan-status Development plan status string 1 category category
development-plan-timetable Development plan timetable string 1 identifier value
development-plan-type Development plan type string 1 category category
development-plan-types Development plan types string n development-plan-type category
development-policies Development policies string n development-policy policy
development-policy Development policy string 1 policy policy
development-policy-area Development policy area string 1 geography geography
development-policy-categories Development policy categories string n development-policy-category category
development-policy-category Development policy category string 1 category category
development-policy-metric Development policy metric string 1 metric metric
discharged-date Discharged date datetime 1 datetime value
document Document string 1 document document
document-type Document type string 1 category category
document-types Document types string n document-type category
document-url Document URL url 1 url value
document-urls Document urls string n document-url value
documentation-url Documentation URL url 1 url value
educational-establishment-number Educational establishment number string 1 text value
educational-establishment-status Educational establishment status string 1 category category
educational-establishment-type Educational establishment type string 1 category category
elapsed Elapsed time decimal 1 number value
employment-allocation Employment allocation string 1 geography geography
end-date End date datetime 1 datetime value
endpoint Endpoint hash 1 hash value
endpoint-url Endpoint URL url 1 url value
endpoints Endpoints hash n endpoint value
entity Entity integer 1 identifier value
entity-count Entity count integer 1 number value
entity-maximum Entity maximum integer 1 identifier value
entity-minimum Entity minimum integer 1 identifier value
entry-count Entry count integer 1 number value
entry-date Entry date datetime 1 datetime value
entry-number Entry number integer 1 number value
esd-inventory ESD inventory string 1 identifier value
event-date Event date datetime 1 datetime value
exception Exception string 1 text value
expectation-result Expectation result hash 1 hash value
fact Fact hash 1 hash value
felled-date Felled date datetime 1 datetime value
field Field string 1 specification specification
field-dataset Field dataset string 1 field specification
field-name Field name string 1 name value
fields Fields string n field specification
flood-risk-level Flood risk level string 1 category category
flood-risk-type Flood risk type string 1 category category
forest-inventory-category Forest Inventory Category string 1 category category
fund Fund string 1 specification specification
further-education-college-region-uk Further education college region (UK) string 1 geography geography
further-education-college-uk Further education college (UK) string 1 organisation organisation
geographies Geographies curie n geography geography
geography Geography curie 1 geography geography
geojson GeoJSON data json 1 json value
geom Internal BLOB geometry blob 1 blob value
geometry Geometry multipolygon 1 multipolygon-wkt value
geometry-geom Geometry index blob 1 geom value
github-discussion Github discussion identifier string 1 identifier value
government-domain Government domain string 1 hostname value
government-organisation Government organisation string 1 organisation organisation
government-service Government service string 1 identifier value
green-belt Green belt string 1 geography geography
green-belt-core Green belt urban core string 1 category category
ground-area Ground area decimal 1 number value
guardianship-site-and-english-heritage-site Guardianship site and english heritage site string 1 geography geography
guidance Guidance text 1 string value
gypsy-and-traveller-site Gypsy and traveller site string 1 geography geography
hash Hash hash 1 string value
hazardous-substances Hazardous substances flag 1 category category
hectares Hectares decimal 1 number value
heritage-action-zone Heritage action zone string 1 geography geography
heritage-asset-type Heritage asset type string 1 category category
heritage-at-risk Heritage at risk string 1 geography geography
heritage-coast Heritage Coast string 1 geography geography
heritage-risk-assessment-methodology Heritage risk assessment methodology string 1 category category
hint Hint text 1 string value
historic-non-designed-rural-landscape-local-landscape-area Historic non designed rural landscape local landscape area string 1 geography geography
historic-stone-quarry Historic stone quarry string 1 geography geography
hostname Hostname string 1 name value
housing-allocation Housing allocation string 1 geography geography
hs2-safeguarded-area Hs2 safeguarded area string 1 geography geography
identifier Identifier string 1 value value
include-exclude Include/Exclude string 1 category category
infrastructure-funding-statement Deprecated Infrastructure Funding Statement string 1 document document
infrastructure-project Infrastructure project string 1 policy policy
infrastructure-project-decision Infrastructure project decision string 1 category category
infrastructure-project-event Infrastructure project event string 1 category category
infrastructure-project-type Infrastructure project type string 1 category category
internal-drainage-board Internal drainage board string 1 organisation organisation
internal-drainage-district Internal drainage district string 1 geography geography
internal-mime-type Internal MIME Type string 1 category category
internal-path Internal path string 1 string value
interpreted-forest-type Interpreted forest type string 1 category category
intervention Intervention string 1 specification specification
issue-type Issue type string 1 identifier value
item JSON json 1 json value
jobcentre Jobcentre string 1 organisation organisation
jobcentre-district Jobcentre district string 1 geography geography
jobcentre-group Jobcentre group string 1 geography geography
json JSON data json 1 value value
key-field Key field string 1 field specification
latitude Deprecated Latitude latitude 1 value value
Legal instrument string 1 legal-instrument legal-instrument
legislation Legislation string 1 document document
licence Licence text 1 text value
line-count Line count integer 1 number value
line-number Line number integer 1 number value
listed-building Listed building string 1 geography geography
listed-building-grade Listed building grade string 1 category category
listed-building-outline Listed building outline string 1 geography geography
local-authority Local authority string 1 organisation organisation
local-authority-district Local Authority District string 1 statistical-geography geography
local-authority-eng Local authority (England) string 1 organisation organisation
local-authority-nir Local authority (Northern Ireland) string 1 organisation organisation
local-authority-sct Local authority (Scotland) string 1 organisation organisation
local-authority-type Local authority type string 1 category category
local-enterprise-partnership Local Enterprise Partnership string 1 organisation organisation
local-enterprise-partnership-area Local Enterprise Partnership area string 1 statistical-geography geography
local-green-space Local green space string 1 geography geography
local-nature-recovery-strategy Local nature recovery strategy string 1 geography geography
local-plan Local plan string 1 legal-instrument legal-instrument
local-plan-boundary Local plan boundary curie 1 geography geography
local-plan-event Local plan event string 1 category category
local-planning-authority Local Planning Authority string 1 statistical-geography geography
local-resilience-forum Local resilience forum string 1 organisation organisation
local-resilience-forum-boundary Local resilience forum boundary string 1 statistical-geography geography
locally-listed-building Locally listed building string 1 geography geography
london-square London square string 1 geography geography
long-established-woodland Long established woodland string 1 geography geography
long-protected-woodland Long protected woodland string 1 geography geography
longitude Deprecated Longitude longitude 1 value value
lookup Lookup string 1 specification specification
made-date Made date datetime 1 datetime value
main-river Main river string 1 geography geography
maximum-net-dwellings Maximum net dwellings integer 1 number value
member-organisation Organisation which is a member of this organisation curie 1 organisation organisation
member-organisations Organisations which are a member of this organisation curie 1 organisation organisation
message Message string 1 text value
metric metric string 1 metric metric
metropolitan-open-land Metropolitan open land string 1 geography geography
mime-type MIME Type string 1 category category
mineral-safeguarding-area Mineral safeguarding area string 1 geography geography
minimum-net-dwellings Minimum net dwellings integer 1 number value
multipolygon-wkt Multipolygon-WKT wkt 1 wkt value
name Name string 1 text value
name-cy Name (Welsh) string 1 name value
naptan-code NaPTAN code string 1 text value
national-park National park string 1 statistical-geography geography
national-park-authority National park authority string 1 organisation organisation
nature-improvement-area Nature improvement area string 1 geography geography
nature-reserve-status Nature reserve status string 1 category category
neighbourhood-forum Neighbourhood forum string 1 organisation organisation
neighbourhood-plan-area Neighbourhood Plan Area string 1 geography geography
non-designated-and-locally-listed-historic-asset Non designated and locally listed historic asset string 1 geography geography
non-designated-archeology-asset-of-national-importance Non designated archeology asset of national importance string 1 geography geography
nonprofit Nonprofit organisation string 1 organisation organisation
notes Notes text 1 text value
nuclear-safety-zone Nuclear safety zone string 1 geography geography
number Number decimal 1 value value
official-name Official name string 1 name value
official-name-cy Official name (Welsh) string 1 name value
old-entity Old entity string 1 entity value
old-resource Old resource hash 1 hash value
open-date Open date datetime 1 datetime value
open-space Open space string 1 geography geography
opendatacommunities-area Open Data Communities area url 1 url value
opendatacommunities-organisation Open Data Communities organisation url 1 url value
opendatacommunities-uri Open Data Communities URI url 1 url value
openstreetmap OpenStreetMap relation string 1 identifier value
operation Operation string 1 string value
organisation Organisation curie 1 organisation organisation
organisation-dataset Organisation dataset string 1 dataset specification
organisation-entity Organisation entity string 1 entity value
organisations Organisations string n organisation organisation
ownership-status Ownership status string 1 category category
paint-options Paint options json 1 value value
parameter Parameter string 1 string value
parameters Parameters string n string value
parent-article-4-direction-rule Parent article 4 direction rule string 1 category category
parent-field Parent field string 1 field specification
parent-project Parent project string 1 project specification
parish Parish string 1 geography geography
park-and-garden Park and garden string 1 geography geography
park-and-garden-grade Park and garden grade string 1 category category
parliament-thesaurus Parliament thesaurus identifier string 1 identifier value
passed Passed string 1 category category
passenger-transport-executive Passenger transport executive string 1 organisation organisation
path Path string 1 string value
pattern Pattern pattern 1 string value
period-end-date Period end date datetime 1 datetime value
period-start-date Period start date datetime 1 datetime value
permitted-development-right Permitted development right string 1 legislation document
permitted-development-right-class Permitted development right class string 1 value value
permitted-development-right-part Permitted development right part string 1 category category
permitted-development-rights Permitted development rights string n legislation document
phase Phase string 1 category category
pipeline Pipeline string 1 identifier value
pipelines Pipelines string n pipeline value
plan-boundary-type Plan boundary type string 1 category category
planning-application Planning application string 1 policy policy
planning-application-category Planning application category string 1 category category
planning-application-status Planning application status string 1 category category
planning-application-type Planning application type string 1 category category
planning-condition Planning condition string 1 policy policy
planning-condition-purpose Planning condition purpose string 1 category category
planning-condition-target Planning condition target string 1 category category
planning-condition-type Planning condition type string 1 category category
planning-decision Planning decision string 1 category category
planning-decision-type Planning decision type string 1 category category
planning-permission-date Planning permission date datetime 1 datetime value
planning-permission-history Planning permission history url n document-url value
planning-permission-status Planning permission status string 1 category category
planning-permission-type Planning permission type string 1 category category
plugin Plugin string 1 identifier value
plural Plural name string 1 text value
point Point point 1 point-wkt value
point-geom Point index blob 1 geom value
point-wkt Point-WKT wkt 1 wkt value
policy Policy string 1 policy policy
prefix CURIE prefix string 1 identifier value
prefix-uri CURIE prefix URI url 1 value value
principal-local-authority Principal local authority (Wales) string 1 organisation organisation
priority Priority integer 1 value value
prison-estate Prison estate string 1 geography geography
project Project string 1 specification specification
project-status Project status string 1 specification specification
proposed-ramsar-site Proposed ramsar site string 1 geography geography
protected-land Protected land string 1 geography geography
protected-view Protected view string 1 geography geography
protected-wreck-site Protected wreck site string 1 geography geography
provenance Provenance hash 1 hash value
provision-reason Provision reason string 1 category category
provision-rule Provision rule string 1 category category
public-authority Public authority string 1 organisation organisation
public-safety-zone-around-airport Public safety zone around airport string 1 geography geography
purpose Purpose text 1 text value
ramsar Ramsar string 1 geography geography
ramsar-site Ramsar site string 1 category category
realm Realm string 1 category category
reason Reason string 1 text value
reference Reference string 1 text value
reference-entity Reference entity string 1 entity value
region Region curie 1 geography geography
regional-park-authority Regional park authority string 1 organisation organisation
register Register string 1 specification specification
registration-district Registration district string 1 geography geography
registry Registry string 1 organisation organisation
replacement-dataset Replacement dataset string 1 dataset specification
replacement-field Replacement field string 1 field specification
request-headers Request headers json 1 json value
resource Resource hash 1 hash value
resource-url Resource URL url 1 url value
response-headers Response headers json 1 json value
responsibility Responsibility string 1 text value
role Role string 1 category category
row Row string 1 value value
row-id Row identifier string 1 value value
rows Rows string 1 row value
safeguarded-aerodrome Safeguarded aerodrome string 1 geography geography
safeguarded-military-explosives-site Safeguarded military explosives site string 1 geography geography
safeguarded-wharf Safeguarded wharf string 1 geography geography
safety-hazard-area Safety hazard area string 1 geography geography
scheduled-monument Scheduled monument string 1 geography geography
schema Schema string 1 specification specification
school-capacity School capacity integer 1 number value
school-type-eng School type (England) string 1 category category
scope Scope string 1 category category
scope-field Scope field string 1 field specification
self-and-custom-buildarea Self and custom buildarea string 1 geography geography
separator Separator string 1 string value
severity Severity string 1 specification specification
shielding-hub Shielding hub curie 1 organisation organisation
short-name Short name string 1 name value
site Site string 1 geography geography
site-address Site address string 1 address-text value
site-categories Site categories string n site-category category
site-category Site category string 1 category category
site-of-special-scientific-interest Site of special scientific interest string 1 geography geography
site-plan-url Site plan URL url 1 document-url value
slug Slug string 1 string value
slug-prefix Slug prefix string 1 string value
source Source string 1 identifier value
special-area-of-conservation Special area of conservation string 1 geography geography
special-protection-area Special protection area string 1 geography geography
specification Specification string 1 specification specification
specification-status Specification status string 1 category category
specifications Specifications string n specification specification
start-date Start date datetime 1 datetime value
statistical-geographies Statistical geographies string n statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography Statistical geography string 1 geography geography
statistical-geography-county-eng Country statistical geography string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-local-government-district-nir Local government district statistical geography (Northern Ireland) string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-london-borough-eng London borough statistical geography (England) string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-metropolitan-district-eng Metropolitan district statistical geography (England) string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-non-metropolitan-district-eng Non-metropolitan district statistical geography (England) string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-registration-district-eng Registration district statistical geography (England) string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-registration-district-wls Registration district statistical geography (Wales) string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-unitary-authority-eng Unitary authority statistical geography (England) string 1 statistical-geography geography
statistical-geography-unitary-authority-wls Unitary authority statistical geography (Wales) string 1 statistical-geography geography
status Status string 1 category category
strategic Strategic flag 1 category category
street Street string 1 geography geography
string String string 1 value value
suitable-alternative-green-space Suitable alternative green space string 1 geography geography
table-name Table name string 1 name value
territory Territory string 1 geography geography
text Text text 1 string value
theme Theme string 1 category category
themes Themes string n theme category
transport-access-node-type Transport access node type string 1 category category
transport-under-tcpa-route Transport under tcpa route string 1 geography geography
tree Tree string 1 geography geography
tree-preservation-order Tree preservation order string 1 document document
tree-preservation-order-tree Tree preservation order tree string 1 reference value
tree-preservation-zone Tree preservation zone string 1 geography geography
tree-preservation-zone-type Tree preservation zone type string 1 category category
tree-species Tree species string 1 category category
tree-species-list Tree species list string n category category
twitter Twitter string 1 identifier value
typology Typology string 1 specification specification
uk UK string 1 geography geography
units Units integer 1 number value
unused Unused string 1 string value
uprn UPRN string 1 geography geography
uprns UPRNs string n uprn geography
uri-template RFC6570 template URL string 1 value value
url URL url 1 value value
value Value string 1 value value
version Version decimal 1 number value
ward Ward string 1 statistical-geography geography
waste-authority Waste authority string 1 organisation organisation
website Website url 1 url value
website-url Website URL url 1 url value
whatdotheyknow-body What Do They Know body string 1 identifier value
wikidata Wikidata item string 1 identifier value
wikidata-property Wikidata property string 1 identifier value
wikipedia Wikipedia page string 1 identifier value
wikipedia-url Wikipedia page url 1 url value
wildbelt Wildbelt string 1 geography geography
wildlife Wildlife string 1 geography geography
wkt WKT wkt 1 value value
world-heritage-convention-site UNESCO World Heritage Convention site string 1 geography geography
world-heritage-site World heritage site string 1 geography geography



A field whose parent-field is the same as the field value, is a typology.

Where the parent-field has a curie datatype, the prefix is the field.